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Rabu, 29 September 2010

Decision Making

Nugroho J. Setiadi said that decision making is the process of integration which combines the knowledge to evaluate two or more alternative behaviors, and select one of them. The result of this integration process is an option, which is presented as a desire to behave cognitively. According to Schiffman and Kanuk Meanwhile, the decision is selecting an action from two or more alternative choice.
there are four points of view in analyzing consumer decision making, namely:
1. Economic Perspective
This view is to see consumers as people who make decisions rationally. This means that consumers should know all the alternative products available and should be able to make ratings of each alternative is specified, the views of the usefulness and disadvantages and should be able to identify the best alternative.

2. Passive Viewpoint
This view says that consumers are basically resigned to its own interests and passively accept the promotional efforts of marketers.

Cognitive Perspective
According to this view the consumer is always looking for information processing and evaluate information about products and outlets.

Emotional Perspective
This view emphasizes emotion as the main driver so that consumers buy a product.

Consumer Decision Making Model :
1. Input
Component inputs are external influences as a source of information about particular products and affect the value associated with the product., Attitudes and consumer behavior. The main input is the marketing mix activities and socio-cultural influences.

Components of the process of how consumers make decisions. In order to understand the process, must be understood some concepts related to psychology. Araea psychology is the internal influences that affect consumer decision-making process. Internal influences are motivation, perception, learning, personality and attitude. The decision making process by a consumerism consists of three stages namely the introduction of requirements, pre-purchase search and evaluation of alternatives.

Component output refers to two kinds of post-decision activities closely related to each other, namely:
• purchasing behavior: that makes two types of purchases that is, try and repeat purchases.
• post-purchase evaluation: the most important component of post-purchase made is a reduction in the uncertainty of the selection done.

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